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Drive Thru Christmas Play Info...

Come enjoy a novel experience that our church is bringing to the community of Burlington…an Outdoor, Drive-Thru Christmas Program.  The good news is, you don’t have to pay or even get out of your car!!  You will also be provided with hot chocolate and cookies for this drive-thru Christmas experience!!  The drama scenes, with live actors and audio music, will be sure to warm your heart and bring the true meaning of Christmas to life for you and your family.


Dates: December 13,14,15, come anytime between 5:30pm-8:30pm

* Because of the extreme traffic last year, an extra showing has been added this year!!


Location: Burlington Bible Church

            6529 Rogers Lane Burlington, KY


Cost: FREE


More Info: 859-835-1070


* the play will go on no matter the weather


A few of the written notes we have received about the play...


-"We have a home church but visited your church previously. We enjoyed it very much. Thank you for this Christmas event."  - Myron & Gail


"Love your play every year.  Thank you!..."

- Janice


"Keep doing what ya'll do. We love coming to see the play every year. We have made this our new family tradition for the past few years or so."

- The Larson Family


"Thank you, this was amazing.  Merry Christmas"

- Carisa

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6529 Rogers Lane

Burlington, KY 41005






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